The vocabulary will be introduced by informal examples, all of the form Subject Verb Object
. The verbs and objects in the examples are all to be considered as instances, and not class definitions. In these sentences, all instances are uniquely identified by some display name.
Remark: This is a living document. It will be modified, revised, amended continuously during the course of the project. In particular, the vocabulary used in the examples will change significantly with time. The verbs used are as per today not consistent with those defined in the current ontology. Consistency will be achieved iteratively, hopefully.
Remark: This document contains mathematical symbols. Standard Latex syntax is used. Unfortunately, GitHub does not render such symbols, they just appear as plain text. Better results are achieved by using Visual Studio Code for editing the .md files. The preview window correctly displays mathematical symbols and equations.
Remark: This document contains figures. Mardown does not provide centering or resizing capabilities for figures. One can use html for this purpose. Unfortunately, html is not rendered correctly in Visual Studio Code, although it is rendered correctly in GitHub. This remark therefore contradicts the previous one.
Real-time signals can in all generality be described by their shape (inspired from Python, TensorFlow…). A shape in a sequence of integers $(j_1, \dots, j_n)$, such that:
We call:
Those considerations should enable the representation of most signals, as stored in a real-time server:
s = 2.71828
shape(s) = ()
rank(s) = 0
v = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
shape(v) = (4)
rank(v) = 1
v[2] = 3.0
v = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0], [3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0]]
shape(v) = (3,4)
rank(v) = 2
v[2] = [3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0]
v[2,1] = 6.0
Note that in the latter example, jagged arrays are used. We should also find a way to distinguish and represent jagged arrays and multi-dimensional arrays (where the difference in typically in the access v[i,j]
vs v[i][j]
However, additional information is necessary to provide enough useful meaning to the data. Mathematically speaking, a signal can be seen as a map
\[T\times D \rightarrow R\]where $T$ denotes the time “set”, $D$ and $R$ the domain and range of the signal. For example:
Both the signal mapping and data shapes approach are important. The data shape describes the structure of the signal as stored on a real-time data server. The signal mapping describes the meaning of the data itself. In the DDHub context, it is then important to associate the two views, since we want to associate meaning to computer stored signals.
One may encounter (at least) two situations:
// the signal is an array made of two arrays: a domain array and a range array [[0, 30, … , 1984], [101325, 102325, … , 201325]]
2. the signal only contains the range data. This is the most common case. For data stored as scalar values, this goes without saying. However, one can differentiate two sub-cases
- The domain data is static, and not stored as a real-time signal.
- this will be the case for a series of continuous rheology mesurement for example. The measurement is stored as an array of shear stresses. The corresponding shear rates are pre-defined and not available as real-time signals.
- The domain is dynamic, but represented in another signal:
- expected hookloads as a function of block velocity, rpm and flow-rate: the stored data only contains the 3-dimensional table. The values defining the corresponding flow-rates, rpms and velocities are dynamic, stored in arrays in the real-time server. In this situation, the link between the 3-dimensional table and the three axis arrays is a link between drilling datas.
- continuous rheology measurement made at unusual and dynamic shear rates. Then, one can imagine that the stress and rates arrays are stored as two separate items. The rate array can be interpreted as the domain of the stress array.
## Examples
### Standard scalars measurements
Hookload HasShape () SPP HasShape ()
### Hookload tables
Hookloadtable HasShape (10,8,5)
HookloadTable HasExternalDomainAxis BlockVelocityDomainAxis BlockVelocityDomainAxis HasIndex 0 BlockVelocityDomainAxis HasAxisData BlockVelocities BlockVelocities HasShape (10)
HookloadTable HasExternalDomainAxis TopDriveRPMDomainAxis TopDriveRPMDomainAxis HasIndex 1 TopDriveRPMDomainAxis HasAxisData TopDriveRPMs TopDriveRPMs HasShape (8)
HookloadTable HasExternalDomainAxis FlowRatesDomainAxis FlowRatesDomainAxis HasIndex 2 FlowRatesDomainAxis HasAxisData FlowRates FlowRates HasShape (5)
### Downhole pressures
// standard DownholePressure1 HasShape ()
// ASM DownholePressure2 HasShape (10) DownholePressure2 HasExternalDomainAxis DistancesToBit DistancesToBit HasShape (10)
// Calculated profile1
// [[0, 30, … , 1984], [101325, 102325, … , 201325]]
// depth[i] = p[0,i]
CalculatedPressures1 HasShape (2,100)
CalculatedPressures1 HasInternalDomainAxis DepthAxis1
DepthAxis1 HasIndexLocation 0
DepthAxis1 HasIndex 0 //write index 0 at location 0 to access the depth
//Calculated profile2 // [[0, 101325], [30, 102325], … , [1984, 201325]] // depth[i] = p[i,0] CalculatedPressures2 HasShape (100, 2) CalculatedPressures2 HasInternalDomainAxis DepthAxis2 DepthAxis2 HasIndexLocation 1 DepthAxis2 HasIndex 0 //write index 0 at index location 1 to access the depth
### Calculated lateral displacements
Displacements HasShape(1000, 3) //a row in the table is Displacements[i] = [depth, polar angle, radial distance] Displacements HasInternalDomainAxis DepthAxis1 DepthAxis1 HasIndexLocation 1 DepthAxis1 HasIndex 0 //Displacements[i,0] = depth[i]
### Continuous rheology
//Predefined shear rates, each reading stored in separate signal ContinuousRheology1_3 HasShape () ContinuousRheology1_6 HasShape () … ContinuousRheology1_600 HasShape ()
//Predefined shear rates, all reading stored in single array ContinuousRheology2 HasShape (6) ContinuousRheology2 HasExternalDomainAxis ShearRates ShearRates HasShape (6) // ShearRates = [3, 6, 30, 60, 300, 600]
//rates are stored in the same signal ContinuousRheology3 HasShape (6,2) ContinuousRheology3 HasInternalDomainAxis ShearRateAxis ShearRateAxis HasIndexLocation 1 ShearRateAxis HasIndex 0
# Addressing
## Wits
## WitsML
## UDP stream
## Messaging
### Kafka
### MQTT
### RabbitMQ
### gRPC
# Quantities and units
The following shows the main concepts illustrated via a pressure example.
## Base quantities
PressureQuantity HasMassExponent 1 PressureQuantity HasLengthExponent -1 PressureQuantity HasTimeExponent -2
## Observable quantities
PumpPressureQuantity HasBaseQuantity PressureQuantity PumpPressureQuantity HasMeaningFulPrecision 1000
FormationStrengthQuantity HasBaseQuantity PressureQuantity FormationStrengthQuantity HasMeaningFulPrecision 100000
## Units and unit systems
PressureQuantity HasSIUnit Pascal Pascal HasLabel Pa Pascal HasConversionFactorA 1 Pascal HasConversionFactorB 0
PressureQuantity HasUnit Bar Bar HasLabel b Bar HasConversionFactorA 1e-5 Bar HasConversionFactorB 0
PressureQuantity HasUnit MegaPascal MegaPascal HasLabel MPa MegaPascal HasConversionFactorA 1e-6 MegaPascal HasConversionFactorB 0
MetricUnitSystem HasUnitAssociation PumpPressureAssociation PumpPressureAssociation HasObservableQuantity PumpPressureQuantity PumpPressureAssociation HasUnit Bar
MetricUnitSystem HasUnitAssociation FormationStrengthAssociation FormationStrengthAssociation HasObservableQuantity FormationStrengthQuantity FormationStrengthAssociation HasUnit MegaPascal
PumpPressure HasObservableQuantity PumpPressureQuantity EstimatedUCS HasObservableQuantity FormationStrengthQuantity
# Uncertainties
# Data validity
# Time management
## Time stamps
Several time-stamps can be of importance to describe signals. Among them are:
- the **acquisition** time-stamp: when the signal was written to the real-time server
- the **generation** time-stamp: when the signal was generated by its source (in case of several sequential processing boxes, one can it theory associate such a time stamp to any box)
- the **process** time-stamp: the time corresponding to the physical meaning of the signal. This is not always properly defined: it is difficult to assign an unambiguous process time-stamp to a moving average for example.
Of course, those three time-stamp can differ. Consider the following scenario:
1. a measure *m* is taken (*Processing time stamp = P*)
2. filtering and buffering entail a 10ms delay before the signal is generated by the downhole tool (*Generation time stamp = P + 10ms*)
3. data transmission: it takes additional 2s to transmit the signal up tot he real-time server (*Acquisition time stamp = P + 2.01s*)
MeasuredSignal HasProcessingTimeStamp P MeasuredSignal HasGenerationTimeStamp P’ // P’ = P + .01s MeasuredSignal HasAcquisitionTimeStamp P’’ // P’’ = P’ + 2s
The difference between *process* and *generation* time stamps is more explicit is the following simulation scenario:
1. a real-time simulation engine buffers incoming real-time data. At time *t0* it starts processing data with process time stamp *p*
2. It uses 1s to process the data. The output of the simulations therefore has *generation* time stamp *t0 + 1s* and *process* time stamp *p*, since it describes the state of the system at time *p*.
3. It takes an additional .5s to transfer the simulated data to the real-time server. The *acquisition* time stamp is therefore *t0 + 1.5s*
## Refresh rates
Other useful information deals with the expectations one has regarding a specific signal. It can be of primary importance for an automation system to know
## Clocks
## Delays
## Synchronization
# Data processing
Show the different types of processing that can be involved in classical drilling data.
**Modelling remark** We use a *data flow* approach to
As some processing requires parametrization, it is simpler to treat each processing step as a entity in the graph. The general structure then applies
Signal1 IsProcessingOutputOf ProcessingUnit ProcessingUnit HasInput Signal2
When treating classical signal processing functions, this approach implies to represent signals whose values are not available on the rig: `LowFrequencySignal IsResampledBy ResamplingUnit` coupled with `ResamplingUnit HasInput HighFrequencySignal` and `HighFrequencySignal IsMeasuredBy Sensor1`. In that case, the `HighFrequencySignal` is not made available. Those three sentences can therefore be condensed into
LowFrequencySignal IsResampledBy ResamplingUnit ResamplingUnit IsMeasuredBy Sensor1
## Downhole ECD
DownholeECD IsConvertedBy PressureToDensityConversion PressureToDensityConversion HasPressureInput DownholePressure PressureToDensityConversion HasElevationInput PWDTVD
DownholePressure IsTimeAveragedBy DownholePressureAveraging DownholePressureAveraging HasInput HighFrequencyDownholePressure DownholePressureAveraging HasTimeWindow 30
HighFrequencyDownholePressure IsMeasuredBy PWD
## Positions and velocities
BlockVelocity IsDerivedBy BlockDerivation BlockDerivation HasTimeInterval 1 BlockDerivation HasInput BlockPosition
BitDepth IsTranslatedBy BitDepthTranslation BitDepthTranslation HasTranslationAmplitude CurrentStringLength BitDepthTranslation HasInput TopOfStringPosition
TopOfStringPosition IsProcessingOutputOf TOSPosCalculation TOSPosCalculation HasInput BlockPosition TOSPosCalculation HasInput StringConnected
HoleDepth IsMaximumBy HoleDepthComputation HoleDepthComputation HasInput InitialHoleDepth HoleDepthComputation HasInput HoleDepth HoleDepthComputation HasInput BitDepth
InstantaneousROP1 IsDerivedBy InstROPDerivation InstROPDerivation HasTimeInterval .5 InstROPDerivation HasInput HoleDepth
InstantaneousROP2 IsDuplicatedFrom BlockVelocity
AverageROP IsDerivedBy AvROPDerivation
## Simulations
Hookload1 IsCalculatedBy HooklaodFDIRCalculation
## Control and automation
### Mud pumps:
MP1RateCommand IsCommandFrom MP1Controller MP1Controller HasInput MP1SetPoint
MP2RateCommand IsCommandFrom MP2Controller MP2Controller HasInput MP2SetPoint
MP1SetPoint IsSetPointFrom MPControlSystem MP2SetPoint IsSetPointFrom MPControlSystem MPControlSystem HasInput MPSetPoint
MPSetPoint IsProcessingOutputOf DSCControlPanel
### FDIR
Hookload1 IsFDIRMaxThresholdFor HookLoadFDIR Hookload1 IsValidWhen SteadyHookloadValidityCondition Hookload1 IsValidWhen OffBottomValidityCondition Hookload1 IsValidWhen StringConnectedValidityCondition
HookLoadFDIR HasControlVariable Hookload
# Dependencies
ContinuousDensity HasTemperatureDependence ContinuousTemperature ContinuousDensity HasPressureDependence AtmosphericPressure AtmosphericPressure HasConstantValue 101325
# Physical Position
In the following we work with *Locations*: a combination of coordinates and reference frame. One could consider more abstract locations, where several of those combinations are possible. This would facilitate the comparisons between two locations (there is only one location for the bit, but in the 1D curvilinear frame starting from the drill-floor it has coordinates *BitDepth* while in the frame starting from the block it has coordinates *BitDepth + BlockPosition*).
PWD IsPhysicallyLocatedAt PWDLocation PWDLocation HasCoordinates PWDDistanceToBit PWDDistanceToBit HasStaticValue 15 PWDLocation HasReferenceFrame BitCurviLinearReferenceFrame
BitCurviLinearReferenceFrame HasOrigin BitLocation
BitLocation HasCoordinates BitDepth BitLocation HasReferenceFrame DrillFloorCurviLinearReferenceFrame DrillFloorCurviLinearReferenceFrame HasOrigin DrillFloorLocation ```